Color Reference
Components in React Native are styled using JavaScript. Color properties usually match how CSS works on the web. General guides on the color usage on each platform could be found below:
Color APIsβ
React Native has several color APIs designed to allow you to take full advantage of your platform's design and user preferences.
- PlatformColor lets you reference the platform's color system.
- DynamicColorIOS is iOS specific and allows you to specify which colors should be used in light or Dark Mode.
Color representationsβ
Red Green Blue (RGB)β
React Native supports rgb()
and rgba()
in both hexadecimal and functional notation:
(#rrggbbaa)'rgb(255, 0, 255)'
'rgb(255 0 255)'
'rgba(255, 0, 255, 1.0)'
'rgba(255 0 255 / 1.0)'
Hue Saturation Lightness (HSL)β
React Native supports hsl()
and hsla()
in functional notation:
'hsl(360, 100%, 100%)'
'hsl(360 100% 100%)'
'hsla(360, 100%, 100%, 1.0)'
'hsla(360 100% 100% / 1.0)'
Hue Whiteness Blackness (HWB)β
React Native supports hwb()
in functional notation:
'hwb(0, 0%, 100%)'
'hwb(360, 100%, 100%)'
'hwb(0 0% 0%)'
'hwb(70 50% 0%)'
Color intsβ
React Native supports also colors as an int
values (in RGB color mode):
This might appear similar to the Android Color ints representation but on Android values are stored in SRGB color mode (0xaarrggbb).
Named colorsβ
In React Native you can also use color name strings as values.
React Native only supports lowercase color names. Uppercase color names are not supported.
This is a shortcut for rgba(0,0,0,0)
, same like in CSS3.
Color keywordsβ
Named colors implementation follows the CSS3/SVG specification:
- aliceblue (`#f0f8ff`)
- antiquewhite (`#faebd7`)
- aqua (`#00ffff`)
- aquamarine (`#7fffd4`)
- azure (`#f0ffff`)
- beige (`#f5f5dc`)
- bisque (`#ffe4c4`)
- black (`#000000`)
- blanchedalmond (`#ffebcd`)
- blue (`#0000ff`)
- blueviolet (`#8a2be2`)
- brown (`#a52a2a`)
- burlywood (`#deb887`)
- cadetblue (`#5f9ea0`)
- chartreuse (`#7fff00`)
- chocolate (`#d2691e`)
- coral (`#ff7f50`)
- cornflowerblue (`#6495ed`)
- cornsilk (`#fff8dc`)
- crimson (`#dc143c`)
- cyan (`#00ffff`)
- darkblue (`#00008b`)
- darkcyan (`#008b8b`)
- darkgoldenrod (`#b8860b`)
- darkgray (`#a9a9a9`)
- darkgreen (`#006400`)
- darkgrey (`#a9a9a9`)
- darkkhaki (`#bdb76b`)
- darkmagenta (`#8b008b`)
- darkolivegreen (`#556b2f`)
- darkorange (`#ff8c00`)
- darkorchid (`#9932cc`)
- darkred (`#8b0000`)
- darksalmon (`#e9967a`)
- darkseagreen (`#8fbc8f`)
- darkslateblue (`#483d8b`)
- darkslategrey (`#2f4f4f`)
- darkturquoise (`#00ced1`)
- darkviolet (`#9400d3`)
- deeppink (`#ff1493`)
- deepskyblue (`#00bfff`)
- dimgray (`#696969`)
- dimgrey (`#696969`)
- dodgerblue (`#1e90ff`)
- firebrick (`#b22222`)
- floralwhite (`#fffaf0`)
- forestgreen (`#228b22`)
- fuchsia (`#ff00ff`)
- gainsboro (`#dcdcdc`)
- ghostwhite (`#f8f8ff`)
- gold (`#ffd700`)
- goldenrod (`#daa520`)
- gray (`#808080`)
- green (`#008000`)
- greenyellow (`#adff2f`)
- grey (`#808080`)
- honeydew (`#f0fff0`)
- hotpink (`#ff69b4`)
- indianred (`#cd5c5c`)
- indigo (`#4b0082`)
- ivory (`#fffff0`)
- khaki (`#f0e68c`)
- lavender (`#e6e6fa`)
- lavenderblush (`#fff0f5`)
- lawngreen (`#7cfc00`)
- lemonchiffon (`#fffacd`)
- lightblue (`#add8e6`)
- lightcoral (`#f08080`)
- lightcyan (`#e0ffff`)
- lightgoldenrodyellow (`#fafad2`)
- lightgray (`#d3d3d3`)
- lightgreen (`#90ee90`)
- lightgrey (`#d3d3d3`)
- lightpink (`#ffb6c1`)
- lightsalmon (`#ffa07a`)
- lightseagreen (`#20b2aa`)
- lightskyblue (`#87cefa`)
- lightslategrey (`#778899`)
- lightsteelblue (`#b0c4de`)
- lightyellow (`#ffffe0`)
- lime (`#00ff00`)
- limegreen (`#32cd32`)
- linen (`#faf0e6`)
- magenta (`#ff00ff`)
- maroon (`#800000`)
- mediumaquamarine (`#66cdaa`)
- mediumblue (`#0000cd`)
- mediumorchid (`#ba55d3`)
- mediumpurple (`#9370db`)
- mediumseagreen (`#3cb371`)
- mediumslateblue (`#7b68ee`)
- mediumspringgreen (`#00fa9a`)
- mediumturquoise (`#48d1cc`)
- mediumvioletred (`#c71585`)
- midnightblue (`#191970`)
- mintcream (`#f5fffa`)
- mistyrose (`#ffe4e1`)
- moccasin (`#ffe4b5`)
- navajowhite (`#ffdead`)
- navy (`#000080`)
- oldlace (`#fdf5e6`)
- olive (`#808000`)
- olivedrab (`#6b8e23`)
- orange (`#ffa500`)
- orangered (`#ff4500`)
- orchid (`#da70d6`)
- palegoldenrod (`#eee8aa`)
- palegreen (`#98fb98`)
- paleturquoise (`#afeeee`)
- palevioletred (`#db7093`)
- papayawhip (`#ffefd5`)
- peachpuff (`#ffdab9`)
- peru (`#cd853f`)
- pink (`#ffc0cb`)
- plum (`#dda0dd`)
- powderblue (`#b0e0e6`)
- purple (`#800080`)
- rebeccapurple (`#663399`)
- red (`#ff0000`)
- rosybrown (`#bc8f8f`)
- royalblue (`#4169e1`)
- saddlebrown (`#8b4513`)
- salmon (`#fa8072`)
- sandybrown (`#f4a460`)
- seagreen (`#2e8b57`)
- seashell (`#fff5ee`)
- sienna (`#a0522d`)
- silver (`#c0c0c0`)
- skyblue (`#87ceeb`)
- slateblue (`#6a5acd`)
- slategray (`#708090`)
- snow (`#fffafa`)
- springgreen (`#00ff7f`)
- steelblue (`#4682b4`)
- tan (`#d2b48c`)
- teal (`#008080`)
- thistle (`#d8bfd8`)
- tomato (`#ff6347`)
- turquoise (`#40e0d0`)
- violet (`#ee82ee`)
- wheat (`#f5deb3`)
- white (`#ffffff`)
- whitesmoke (`#f5f5f5`)
- yellow (`#ffff00`)
- yellowgreen (`#9acd32`)